New Forest Kennels & Cattery

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Your Pets Stay With Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I come and have a look around?

We welcome all viewings and encourage you to visit before the day of your stay to come and see us to discuss your pet’s individual needs in more detail to help ensure our facilities and team will be able to provide for their needs fully.

Feel free to pop by any day between 11am - 12:30pm. No appointment is necessary - just show up!

What time can I drop off and collect my pet?

You can drop off and collect your pet anytime between 10am - 1pm or 2pm - 4pm.

If you arrive to drop-off or collect your pet between 9am - 10am, 1pm - 2pm or 4pm - 5pm then a £10 surcharge will be added to your bill.

How often will my pet be fed?

We feed your pet as per your instructions, following the same routine that you do at home, whether that’s one, two, three or more feeds throughout the day; leaving it down for them graze and with any medication that your pet may require.

I have a specific request - can you help?

We are constantly striving to give your beloved pet a home away from home, treating them like our own and as an individual.

It is our mission to ensure their health and happiness, so if there are specific elements to your pet’s usual care, such as brushing, likes or dislikes, or any other quirk, please just let us know and we will be happy to help.

We will also ask you when checking your pet in with us if there have been any changes since your last visit, or if you’ve not used us before, a little more about your pet to help ensure we give them the best stay possible.

We know what our regular residents like and require to keep them comfy and happy - i.e favourite toys, treats, blankets, pee spots, favourite food, feeding place & pace, temperament, strength, and their body language too!